Noticias 2011-09-01 Enlaces a noticias de interés durante el mes de agosto 2011

Imagen bolita "Fertilizer's modest impact on the environment"
(Scoop - 27.07.11).

bolita "FAO consultation on food security and nutrition"
(Teatro Naturale, 01.08.11).

bolita "Urea shortage hitting Pakistani farmers"
(The Nation - 04.08.11).

bolita "Crops with deeper roots capture more carbon"
(Reuters, 05.08.11).

bolita "India: towards reducing fertilizer subsidy"
(The Hindu - 10.08.11).

bolita "Nitrogen in soil helps clean the atmosphere"
(Newstrackindia - 10.08.11).

bolita "World Bank calls for strong policies on food security"
(The Standard - 17.08.11).

bolita "Examining nanotechnology for the recovery of phosphorus"
(Waterworld - 19.08.11).

bolita "Soberanía alimentaria: una respuesta europea a la crisis"
(Coag - 22.08.11).